About TAC
Supporting the Tlingit conservation vision
- The T’akhu Á Tlén Conservancy issues grants, runs programs, and provides technical and strategic support services to the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, thereby supporting and enhancing the Nation’s on-going efforts to implement their conservation-oriented land use and wildlife management vision for the traditional territory.
Organizational Principles
- TAC takes a systems approach that seeks to provide holistic support;
- TAC seeks to fosters resiliency in the Taku River Tlingit community and within TRTFN traditional territory;
- TAC identifies and builds on existing strengths within the community;
- TAC supports initiatives and programs that have the potential to affect social change in their community;
- TAC fosters solutions that come from within the community by perpetuating existing opportunities and supporting existing competencies
- TAC is committed to establishing a safe environment that supports opportunity and growth
History of TAC
The Wooshtin Agreements provide a strong foundation for culturally and ecologically sustainable management of Taku River Tlingit territory. However, the Wooshtin Agreements are complex, state-of-the-art land use agreements, that require an on-going commitment to ensure the full conservation potential of the agreements is realized and upheld.
In July, 2004 the Taku River Tlingit Nation ratified through a Joint Wolf and Crow Clan Meeting the creating of the T’akhu  Tlèn Conservancy, a non-profit entity that secured charitable status from Revenue Canada in 2009.
TAC plays an essential role in supporting the TRTFN to effectively engage in maximizing the conservation and community development of these agreements. Supporting the development and retention of the internal capacity of the TRTFN to continue to breathe life into the Wooshtin Agreements is therefore one of the core purposes of the T’akhu  Tlèn Conservancy.